LGBTI+ Friendly // #freetomove

Front Left as a project is as much about music and parties as it is about representing a community ethos. An ethos that includes showcasing the incredibly talented creative people around us, equality and the somewhat forgotten notion of togetherness through dance music.

It’s because of this ethos that we want our parties to stand for something more than techno in dark room. There’s no reason why events can’t take a political and social stance and contextually, at a time when the world is fuelled with hate and has bigoted politicians in power, we wanted to actively, publicly and strongly show our support to the concept of being a space that is both LGBTI+ Friendly and endorses #freetomove (Free To Move aims to stop physical and sexual harassment in clubs and music social spaces).

For those that know the two of us (Kiran + Chris) personally, you'll know that equal rights, whether it be in relation to the LGBTI+ community, gender, race or anything for that matter, is of utmost importance to us. We both grew up in the Inner West, a place in our eyes that has always actively taken a stand on equality and with a mix of gay, social worker and ethnic parents between us, we've grown up with first hand experiences of what it’s like be part of a minority demographic. It’s our first hand experiences that have played a role in us wanting to utilise Front Left as a way to do our part in the fight for equality.

In saying all of this, we want to make a couple of things very clear. Before we announced this we had some great conversations with people from the LGBTI+ community who said the main issue they had found in their experience was whether venues actually followed through on the notion of being a “safe space”. Saying it is all well and good, but if you don’t have procedures in place to address the issue physically, there’s not much point. So from here on out at all Front Left events there will be dedicated, trusted people within the venue that will be able to help if at any point anyone feels unsafe. Their phone numbers will also be printed on posters around the party so they can be texted discreetly if need be.

Secondly, we want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has attended our Front Left events so far. Thank you to everyone for contributing to a vibe that already, has felt inclusive, friendly and positive. Making the decision to actively be a LGBTI+ Friendly space and support/endorse #freetomove is not reactionary, it’s preventative and hopefully educational. It’s something that we hope will start a trend amongst all parties, brands, venues and festivals and something that will become the norm.

Regardless of your race, gender or sexual orientation, everyone has the right to feel safe while they’re partying and it’s our promise that we’ll do everything in our power to make that the case at our events.

Much love,

Chris Cork + Kiran De Silvax

#meetyoufrontleft #darkroomscolourfulpeople